There's no better time to receive a dental filling than in modern dentistry. Thanks to the numerous cutting-edge procedures and treatments that are available to your dentist, we can effectively restore your smile with tooth-colored fillings in the forms of composites. Composites are designed to mimic the natural look of teeth and then be implemented for enhanced tooth protection... read more »
You may notice when you enjoy something sweet, hot or cold, your teeth react with pain or another sensation. This may also occur when your teeth are exposed to cold air. While these things may mean that you have a crack in one of your teeth, often these conditions are symptoms of sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth can be caused by... read more »
The American Dental Association recommends that you attend a routine dental checkup with a dentist like Dr. Jurgina Elezi twice each year. This simple outpatient appointment will effectively clean your teeth while detecting any signs of oral cancer, periodontal health problems, and dental caries. If Jurgina Elezi finds a cavity on one of your teeth, she will help you understand... read more »
Your child’s smile needs to be cared for, and it’s your job to do it. Oftentimes children can’t properly clean and care for their teeth and gums because they don’t have the dexterity to do it. This is when you come into play. To help you keep your child’s smile in tip-top shape, Dr. Jurgina Elezi and our dental team... read more »
Not all interdental cleaners work the same way. It is important to find which tool to use that will best benefit your smile. A good place to start is with traditional dental floss, which uses a piece of thread to gently clean between teeth. To take your oral health care to new heights with dental floss, read on! -To avoid... read more »
When it comes to an aligned smile, Invisalign® can accomplish more than just straight teeth. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), having an aligned smile actually improves your overall dental health. This is in addition to fixing the oral issues brought on by an improper bite such as chewing difficulties, problems with the jaw, and wear on tooth enamel. Dr. Jurgina... read more »
Are dental veneers extremely durable? Yes, dental veneers are a very durable tooth restoration treatment that can not only benefit the look of your smile, but they can also conceal and cover up many negative or unrepairable aspects of it. Dental veneers work by tailoring a thin yet durable shell that is placed directly on the fronts of your teeth... read more »